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TESOL Certificate
As the technology around the world continues to advance, more and more people are able to connect to each other from every corner of the world. Therefore these advancements among other things have created an ever-increasing worldwide need to be able to communicate in English. This demand or need has created a vast ESL teaching job market to employ native English speakers however more and more overseas employers are now requiring that those who are wanting to teach English at their school to have a TESOL certificate.
While there are many ESL teaching positions available, an employer will generally require a TESOL certificate as ESL teaching credentials and will often hire one candidate over another because of it. These certificates can ensure the employer that they have hired a qualified ESL teacher. Therefore, for those that want to teach English abroad a TESOL certificate can provide the teaching credentials they need in order to obtain an ESL teaching job. In addition to procuring a job a TESOL certificate will in many cases bring about an increase in salary and benefits.